The hardness of this approach depends mostly on the CPU interrupt structure and context-switch hardware support. 这种方法的硬度主要取决于CPU中断结构和环境转换的硬件支持。
If it is MAGIC_NUMBER, get the data/ interrupt register values from the structure passed and generate the interrupt as per the structure values. 如果该值是MAGICNUMBER,就从所传递的结构中获取数据/中断寄存器的值,并按照这个结构的值来产生中断。
An approach for the time interval data collection by using the PC RT/ CMOS cyclic interrupt is introduced. The logic structure of the data collection circuit and the program algorithm flow concerned are given. 介绍了利用PC机RT/CMOS实时时钟周期中断实现定时间隔数据采集的一种方法,给出了采集接口电路的逻辑结构和相应的算法流程。
Modularized and interrupt structure are adopted in programming. 本论文开发系统的软件编写采用模块化和中断结构。
In the software of the system, the ADC sample interrupt subprogram, the PI control algorithm of current loop and the PWM interrupt subprogram are written in both C and assembly according to hardware circuit structure and control strategies of the system. 软件采用C和汇编语言混合编程的方式,根据系统设计的硬件电路及采用的控制策略,编写了相应的控制系统软件,包括ADC采样、电流PI调节器、PWM输出等模块。
Considering the different data transmission fashions, we present two kinds of system structure which is named interrupt data transmission system structure and DMA data transmission system structure. 根据数据传输方式的不同,本文提出了两种硬件加速系统结构&中断数据传输系统结构和DMA数据传输系统结构。
In the firmware part, software structure and the interrupt system of USB chip are introduced. Based on the discussing of the WDM structure, driver program part gives the flow chart and the design method of the key functions. 在固件程序部分重点介绍了软件流程和USB芯片的中断系统;驱动程序部分,在介绍了WDM的层次结构基础上,给出了驱动程序的设计流程图及关键函数的设计方法。
The chip consists of four local processor subsystems and sharing module ( shared memory, interrupt controller, resource management) components. Each processor subsystem with the same structure, include the processor core and local memory. 本设计由四个局部处理器子系统和共享模块(共享存储器、通信控制器、资源管理器)组成,每个处理器子系统具有相同结构,包括处理器核与局部存储器。
The traditional methods of modal identification with artificial excitations have some limitations to large scale civil structures. Recently, more and more attentions have been paid to the modal parameter identification with ambient vibrations because it does not interrupt the normal operation of the monitored structure. 传统的需要人工激励的模态参数识别方法在大型土木工程结构的应用中受到一定限制,基于环境振动的模态参数识别方法因其不影响结构的正常使用等优点而成为国内外研究的热点。